Easter eggs are well-known Russian gifts,whose fame outside
of this country is probably second only to painted wooden matryoshka
dolls. Lately, however, the interest toward the Easter eggs
has been of a special nature. Itis explained by its somewhat
illegal status during 70 years. Antique Easter eggs were stored
away in different museums, almost inaccessible to the public.
It goes without saying that in Soviet times the good tradition
of giving and receiving artistically painted Easter eggs on
the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection almost disappeared.
In the late 1980s forgotten customs and rituals returned,
including the old Russian tradition of a triple kiss and the
giving of an Easter egg. Easter eggs are exhibited in and
outside of Russia. In 1990, the first exhibition of Russian
porcelain Easter eggs from the National History Museum was
displayed in Italy. After it, exhibitions of eggs made by
the Faberge firm for the Russian imperial family, kept by
museums of Moscow's Kremlin and New York's Malcolm Forbes
Collection, were shown in San Diego, California, and then
in Moscow. In 1992, as part of the International Sergian Congress,
honoring Sergius of Radonezh, an exhibition of Easter eggs
took place at the Central House of the Artist.
Recently, the famous Winter Easter Egg by Faberge, which
Emperor Nicholas II gave to his mother, Empress Maria Fedorovna,
for the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, has been
sold for a sensational sum of $7.5 million at a Christie's
auction in Geneva. December of 1993 saw the creation in Moscow
of the International Club «Ovo-art» (from Latin ovo, egg),
which unites admirer, collectors, and artists. The club intends
to revive in Russia the tradition of making Easter eggs and
everything that was connected with them.Easter eggs are an
attribute of one of the most important Christian holidays:
the day of prayer for the "miraculous Resurrection"
of crucified Jesus Christ.
According to a tradition, the first Easter egg was the gift
from Saint Mary Magdalene coequal with the apostles to Roman
Emperor Tiberius. Shortly after Christ the Savior's Ascension,
Mary Magdalene came to Rome to preach the gospel. In those
times, people coming to see the emperor were supposed to bring
him a present. Wealthy people used to bring jewelry, and poor
people, what they could afford. Therefore, Mary Magdalene,
once a noble and rich woman, who then lost everything, except
her faith in Jesus, offered to Emperor Tiberius a chicken
egg and exclaimed: "Christ has resurrected!" The
emperor, doubting her words, noted that nobody could rise
from the dead and that it was as hard to believe in what she
had said as in that a white egg might turn red. Tiberius was
still saying those words when the egg began changing its color
and turned scarlet. Thus, from the very first century of Christianity,
colored eggs have always been the symbol of Jesus' Resurrection
and, with it, a purification in the name of a new, better
life to the believers in God the Son. The eggs' red color
has symbolized Christ's blood and at the same time was the
symbol of the Resurrection. If a man keeps the sacred commandments,
he communicates with the expiatory virtues of the Savior and
new life. «A believer, even if he dies, will revive,* says
Christ, «and I shall revive him.» Just like the life hidden
in an egg is born from it, the Son of God rose from the tomb
and the dead will rise for eternal life.
By giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess the
faith in their Resurrection. If Christ's Resurrection had
not taken place, then, according to Apostle Paul, the new
faith would not have had a foundation or value, it would have
been vain: not bringing salvation nor saving us. But Christ
resurrected, the first of all who had been born on Earth,
and by having done so he demonstrated his power and Divine
The egg is present in yet another legend about a miraculous
resurrection. A poor trades man in eggs was going to the marketplace.
On his way, he met Jesus carrying the cross. Putting aside
his load, the tradesman helped Him carry the cross. When the
poor man returned to his goods, he discovered that the eggs
were no longer white but of various colors.
Why was it the egg which became one of the proofs of the
Resurrection of the Son of God? In ancient times, the egg
was attributed a magic significance. Eggs - both natural and
made of different materials, like marble, clay, etc.- are
found in graves, mounds, and at other burial sites of the
pre-Christian epoch. Archeological excavations have unearthed
carved and natural ostrich and chicken eggs, sometimes painted
world mythologies have legends treating the egg as a symbol
of life, renewal, as a source of origin of all that exists
in this world. Oriental cultures believed that there was a
time when chaos reigned everywhere, and that chaos was contained
in an enormous egg holding all forms of life. Fire was warming
its shell, giving the egg the warmth of creation. It was owing
to this divine fire that a mythical creature - Panu - emerged
from the egg. All things weightless became the Sky, and all
things dark became the Earth. As it grew, Panu became the
Universe, united the Sky and the Earth, created the wind,
space, clouds, thunder, and lightning. To heat the newly born
Earth, Panu gave it the Sun, and to remind it about the cold,
it gave it the Moon. Thanks to Panu, the Sun warmed the Earth,
the Moon shined, and planets and stars were born.
Since ancient times, the egg has been the symbol of a transition
from nonexistence to existence. It was perceived as spring
sun, bringing life, joy, warmth, light, rebirth of nature,
and liberation from the grip of frost, ice, and snow. Once
it was customary to give away an egg as a simple, little offering
to pagan gods, to give eggs to friends and benefactors - on
the first day of the New Year and on birthday. Rich people,
instead of painted chicken eggs, often offered golden or gilded
eggs, symbolizing the Sun.
Ancient Romans had the custom of eating a baked egg before
a festive meal. That was symbolically linked to a successful
beginning of a new pursuit. John of Damascus, a Byzantine
theologian and philosopher, says that the sky and earth are
in every way similar to the egg: the shell corresponds to
the sky; the membrane, to the clouds; the white, to water;
and the yolk, to earth. The lifeless matter of the egg produces
life; it contains the possibility, the idea, movement, and
development. According to traditions, the egg gives the force
of life even to the dead; through it, they feel the spirit
of life and regain lost forces. There is a primeval belief
that thanks to the miraculous force of the egg it is possible
to contact the dead, as though temporarily returning to life.
If you put the first painted egg you receive on Easter on
a tomb, the dead man will hear all the words addressed to
him, as though returning to life and to what makes a living
person happy or sad.
The earliest recorded testimony about Holy Easter painted
eggs is found in a 10th-century parchment manuscript kept
in the Saint Anastasia Convent, close to Salonika in Greece.
At the end of the church rubric, after the Easter prayers,
the manuscript says that a prayer blessing eggs and cheese
is also read and that the father superior, kissing the brethren,
gives them eggs and says, "Christ has resurrected!"
According to the manuscript «Nomocanon by Dhotius» (13th century),
the father superior even punishes the monk who fails to eat
a red egg on Easter, because such a monk resists apostolic
traditions. Thus, the practice of giving Easter eggs dates
back to apostolic times, when Mary Magdalene was the first
to give the believers an example of this joyful offering.
The celebration of Easter in Russia was introduced in the
late 10th century. Orthodox Easter is observed on the first
Sunday following the spring equinox and March full moon.
Easter in Russia was accompanied by ceremonies that came
from pagan times but now consecrated by the Light of Christ.
They were the consecration of Easter cakes, the preparation
of cheese mass, the painting of eggs, etc. On Easter an egg
was put in a wheat tub, and the grain was kept until spring
to be sown.
Easter coincides with the time when spring comes. By this
day, as a sign of blossom, boiled eggs used to be painted
in different colors from time immemorial. Once, these represented
the flowers of the Spring God, Yarila; they were laid out
on green grass. The greenery was grown this way- they took
hemp tow and fiber, wrapped seeds into them, watered them
daily on a plate, and by Easter they would sprout grass. On
it, eggs were put; by the Great Day (as Easter is sometimes
referred to in Russia) various viands were prepared, the meaning
of which was Spring, Warmth, Fire, Life, and Love.
Easter in Russia, according to Y.P. Mirolyubov, a student
of the Russian popular tradition, has always had a universal,
comprehensive nature. The Great Day was a church celebration,
a ritual, human happiness, etc. Happiness on this day is all
- embracing; people are gladdened by everything: the warmth,
the light, the sky, the earth, the relatives, friends, strangers,
and one's own people. After a long and hard winter, the snows
melt, jolly springs run, the ground dries rapidly, and the
trees blossom. The holiday of Christ's Resurrection is at
the same time the resurrection of nature, of a renewed life.
Russian spring is distinguished by an unusual tenderness,
warmth, and constancy, and Easter is the Blessing of life
itself - because there is no death! It was vanquished by the
one who rose from the tomb on the Third Day.
Every nation has its own holidays, but among them there is
a principal one. In Russia, such has for centuries been Holy
Easter. The church celebration is indeed grandiose. The church
prepares itself step by step to the joy of Christ's Resurrection.
The week preceding Easter follows an increasingly busy schedule
of religious activities.
The tradition of giving and receiving painted eggs on Easter
has existed in Russia from time immemorial. Once, in the reign
of Czar Alexis (1645-1676), some 37,000 eggs were prepared
by Easter to be given out. Along with natural (chicken, swan,
goose, pigeon, and duck) painted eggs, there were carved and
painted wooden and bone ones. Naturally, the standard for
the size of these Russian gifts - eggs made of wood, bone,
porcelain, glass, and stone was set by the size of natural
In 1664, Drocopius Ivanov, herbal ornamental design artist
of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, was summoned to Moscow to
paint eggs. Two years later he brought to the court 170 wooden
eggs painted over gold «in various colored paints in beautiful
herbal patterns. Ivan Petrov Masyukov, disciple of (Sergey
Rozhkov, a well-known icon painter, painted chiseled eggs
over a double layer of gold. Bogdan tSaltanov, royal icon
painter of Armenian extraction, gave Czar Alexis for Easter
in 1675 an original gift: «three platters: one containing
five goose eggs with gilded herbal designs, another containing,
seven duck eggs decorated in various colors over gold, and
the third containing seven chicken eggs gilded lavishly; in
addition, a mica box with forty chicken eggs decorated in
various colors over gold.» In 1677, almost all the craftsmen
of the Armory were busy making Easter presents for Czar Fedor
in the form of eggs. In 1680, (Saltanov, who painted icons
on taffeta, that is, did painting on fabric with applique
work for iconostases of Kremlin churches, provided the court
with 50 painted eggs. In February of 1690, icon painter Basil
Ruzmin, disciple of (Simon Ushakov, and Nicephorus Bavykin,
gratified royal icon painter, painted in «various colored
paints» chiseled wooden eggs made «in imitation of chicken,
duck, and pigeon ones.» In 1694, eggs were painted by the
sons of an outstanding painter of the Armory, Fedor Zubov:
Ivan and Alexei, a future founder of the school of Russian
historic prints. In the 18th-19th centuries, artistically
decorated Easter eggs become so widespread among the various
segments of the Russian population that from that time it
is possible to speak about Easter eggs as a peculiar type
of popular decorative applied art, popular Russian souvenirs.
By that time, both precious jewelry eggs and simple peasant
pisanki (painted eggs) and krashcnki (dyed eggs) had become
fairly traditional. The look of jewelry Easter eggs was changing
with time. The pisanki and krashenki of the peasants were
less susceptible to stylistic change. Russian applied arts
of the 18th century acquired a qualitatively different nature
compared to the art of preceding centuries. It became distinctly
secular; this was connected in the first place with the economic,
political, and cultural reforms conducted by Peter the Great.
Russia began its entry into the pan-European artistic process.
The development of the fine arts and the decorative applied
arts followed a single course.
In 1703, Peter the Great founds a city on the Neva, which
in 1712 becomes the capital of the Russian state. (Saint Petersburg
becomes the center of the economic, political, and cultural
life of the country. The czar, who permanently needs skillful
artists and craftsmen, summons the best ones from Moscow Armory's
studios and workshops to (St. Petersburg. An especially large
number of Moscow skilled craftsmen (gunsmiths, jewelers, engravers,
and others) was sent from the Kremlin to St. Petersburg under
the czar's edict in 1711. By the late 1720's, a little over
a fourth of the original number of the various craftsmen remained
in the Armory. Thus the center of applied arts gradually moved
from the Kremlin's artistic studios to St. Petersburg.
The Office of Buildings, having taken over from the former
Moscow Armory, became the leading agency in the new capital's
artistic life. The nature of work in the Office of Buildings
in the 18th century remained the same that had existed in
the Armory's studios and workshops, where the painters, in
addition to decorating churches and royal chambers, had to
make drawings of cities and drawings for engraving and to
decorate banners. At the discretion of state grandees, the
painters were to decorate fun books, checkerboards, small
boxes or cases for valuables, and, what particularly interests
us, Easter eggs. Moreover, they worked on grates, poles, tubes,
stoves, and other projects of applied nature.