Mechanical watches about craftsmanship,
aesthetics, tradition, are part of the allure. Mechanical watches
provide more than just precise timekeeping, they provide a whole
new experience, you are responsible to keep it wound, listen
to the busy mechanical sounds from the movement, observe hundreds
of different spare parts inside it.
These timepieces give back to us that visual splendor of a beautiful
work of art. Its very beating heart laid bear by the window
into its soul allows us to gaze upon it in wonderment at the
intricacies of its moving micro-organs. The graceful sweep of
the second’s hand enthralls the best of us. The rapid beat of
the tick-a-tick-a quickens our own pulse.
Vostok watch factory - Soviet (USSR) and Russian leader
in the production of mechanical military style watches.
Among Russian watch factories for the
last several years the Vostok watch factory reserving for
itself the steady leadership in the volume of production and
selling of mechanical watches. Most of Vostok watches have
automatic self-winding movements. One can buy Vostok mechanical
watches in the most famous internet-shops of Russia and of
the whole world. Such models as Komandirskie ("Commander's"),
Kremlyovskie ("The Kremlin's"), Partner and Prestige
are the arbiters of fashion for men's military style watches.
Despite of tendency of the output growth of
quartz watches, the workers of Vostok, as 40 years ago give
preference to the production of mechanical watches. Since
1949 Vostok has been producing mechanical watches which are
very precise at any temperature, in any aggressive environment
and stand extreme overloading and crashes. Vostok watches
are traditionally suited with bracelets from stainless steel
or pure leather.
The Vostok factory as a modern enterprise uses
the most progressive methods of production and selling of
goods: internet-shops, its site with full information about
the factory. One can find high quality pictures of mechanical
and quartz watches and their mechanical movements, the detailed
description of accessories (original package, steel and leather
Already at the beginning of 50s the reliability, durability
and precision of mechanisms made Vostok watches famous not
only in Soviet Union (USSR), but abroad. In 60s the "Vostok"
watch was awarded with a big golden medal at the prestigious
fair show in Leipzig. It was the Vostok factory the first
in the Soviet Union to start producing mechanical watches
with working stroke of the movement plus-minus 10 seconds
per 24 hours, with luminescent hands and hour markers. By
the middle of 60s they have mastered of the production of
watches with the instant calendar switching.
In 1965 the Vostok factory has become the official
supplier of watches for the Ministry of Defense of Soviet
Union (USSR). The regular Soviet officers immediately recognized
Komandirskie watches for their reliability and efficiency.
Taking into consideration the comments of military people
these watches have been constantly perfected. Watches have
been transferred to a larger caliber K-24, they have got a
revolving time disc, the dial has got the symbols of different
arms of the service, they started producing the watches with
automatic setting, such as Generalskie ("General's")
and Admiralskie ("Admiral's"). The special mechanical
watch "Amphibian" has been developed for Soviet
submariners on the basis of the initial mechanism K-22 that
stand the pressure at 20 atmospheres. These models have brought
the factory the worldwide popularity and determined the basic
style of the Russian and USSR military watches.
In the 80s Komandirskie watches became very
popular in the West. American soldiers appreciated it highly
during the operation "Desert Storm". According to
the order of the USA Ministry of Defense the Vostok factory
has produced ten thousand watches with memory symbols for
the participants of this operation. Many American families
keep these watches, as a precious relic.
For the whole period of existence workers of
the Vostok factory have been sticking to the classical scheme:
all the models of mechanisms have the Swiss system of anchor
lowering, steel anchor wheels and forks, the support resting
on ruby stones, winding springs from special precisions fusions
and anti-crash device of balance unit. Tough quality standards
are common both for "Junior" watch and for new prestige
2000 the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation has taken
the decision to create the rewarding reserve of Komandirskie
watches to reward the soldiers who are the best in battles
and at service. The Vostok factory is executing the orders
for exclusive supply the air-landing troops with Komandirskie
The history of Vostok watches dates back
to 1942 when one of the Moscow watch-making plants was evacuated
to a little town Chistopol located on the Kama River in the
central region of Russia. All manner of Defence equipment
was made at the factory during the war years. As soon as the
war was over, however, they started to make mechanical wristwatches
- the main production ever since. In 1965, the factory became
an official supplier of the Soviet Union Department of Defence.
Chistopol Vostok Watch-Makers Inc. is the largest mechanical
wristwatch producer in Russia and in the CIS. With rich 60-year
experience of management the enterprise enjoys successful
steady growth during such complicated time of economy reconstruction,
which is taking place in Russia now. At present Vostok employs
more than 3000 people. Vostok has gained powerful technical
base, which allows producing all of the watch parts at one
place. Annual output is up to 1 000 000 pcs. of mechanical
wristwatches. The most well-known trade marks are "Vostok",
"Komandirskie", and "Amphibian". New watch
fashion caused creation of new brands such as "Kremlyovskie".