In middle 18th c. on Ural there is a drawing
on ferrous articles. In this period produced trays, casket and
even little tables. To attach articles a packaging and to save
from corrosion, them coated special is delicious. From a simple
lacquering of articles step-by-step transmit to their fresco.
The initiative of the serf masters was encouraged, which one
constructed genuinely art products(works). The
greatest notoriety and popularity not only in Russia, but
also in Europe and Asia the painted trays used. The plasticity
and softness of Tagil iron allowed to do(make) trays of the
diversified shape. The trays were lacquered famous crystal
is delicious, which one have struck out in family of the Tagil
serf artists Hudojarovy.
In Nizhny Tagil the whole dynasties of the
masters on a fresco of hardwares are reshaped: Hudojarovy,
Dubasnikovy. In the end 18th c. the centuries at the Tagil
masters were determined the favourite plots it is colourful
flower bouquets, ornamental patterns, landscapes. Representative
composite reception was a location of a fresco at center of
an article, and the special appeal it was attached with borders
by the way of intricate ornamental patterns. An example of
a fresco 18th c. is the fresco of clock manufactured in 1775.
30-40s. of the 19th c. are a period of the
best prosperity of this view of art. By the end 19th c. centuries
production of trays tests deep crisis.
The rough events of a beginning of a 20th c.
- First World War, revolution, civil war - have completed
process of downgrade of painting on trays.
Per 1920 years production of trays was restored, in 1930 there
was an artel "Metal worker" aggregating more small-sized
The large contribution in revival of a Tagil
fresco has deposited in Vasilij Alekseevich Baradulin. The
special value in revival the old masters saving traditional
skills have played, it is A.S.Cherepanova (1895-1969), A.V.Afanas'eva
(1913) etc. the Tagil trays become again widely known and
are popular in USSR and abroad.
Now in Nizhny Tagil live and many remarkable
masters of trays work.
The collection of a lacquer fresco of
a museum of reserve widely introduces progressing this craft
at different stages. On its base in Nizhny Tagil the museum
of a history of a tray craft is created, which one is placed
in the house of the artists of Hudojarovy.